This Policy establishes the specifics of collection and processing by the Limited Liability Company “” (hereinafter referred to as the Service Operator) of data from individuals - users of the “” website and the “Ongila” mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the Site and Application).

This document (“Policy”) is an integral part of the Public Offer for the use of the Site and Application. This Policy applies solely to information that has been received by the Service Operator as a result of the use of the Site and Application by users. When using the Site and Application, the user fully accepts the terms of this Policy and expresses its voluntary specific consent to the processing of personal data in the manner and for the purposes as described in this Policy. If the User does not agree with By this Policy, the Service Operator requests that you refuse to use the Site and Application.

The service operator has the right to unilaterally make changes to this Policy, informing the user about this by publishing these changes on the Site and in the Application or in information messages (notifications) of the Site.

Information received and used by Users, as well as the purposes of its use

Within the framework of this Privacy Policy, user information means: personal information that the user independently provides to the Service Operator when use of the Site and Application (full name, gender, email address, phone number, etc.); as well as automatically transmitted data during the use of the Site and Application, including including, but not limited to: IP address, information about the device from which access is being made, etc.

User information (for example, full name, gender, date of birth, email address, phone number). The service operator may also request additional information.

Mobile device information. The service operator collects data about users’ devices, such as device model, operating system version, unique identifiers device, as well as mobile network information and mobile phone number.

Location information. Services of the Site and Application that support the geographic location function of the user’s mobile device allow the Service Operator to receive information about the user's actual location, including GPS data sent by the mobile device.

Information about the actions taken on the Site and in the Application. When the user performs actions on the Site, the Service Operator collects data related to the execution of data actions.

Information received by the Service Operator from the user can be used to provide the user with personalized services and to target advertising of partners Service operator within the Site and Application, for statistical and research purposes, as well as to improve the Site and Application and related services.

When using user information, the Service Operator is guided by this Privacy Policy, the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and regulations international law.

Transfer of user personal data

The service operator transfers personal data of users only for the purposes provided for in the consent to the processing of personal data.

The service operator undertakes to warn all persons to whom personal data of users is transferred that this data can only be used for the purposes for which it was communicated. All persons receiving the User’s personal data are required to strictly maintain confidentiality with respect to such data. This provision does not apply to cases where the exchange personal data of users is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Users' rights regarding their personal data

For the purpose of protecting personal data stored by the Service Operator, users are granted the following rights:

  • receive complete information about your personal data and their processing based on a corresponding request;

  • have free access to your personal data;

  • demand the deletion or correction of incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant personal data, as well as data processed in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Republic Uzbekistan.

In cases where the Service Operator refuses to delete or correct the user’s personal data, the user has the right to send to the Operator a statement of his disagreement with such refusal in writing indicating the reasons for your disagreement.

Security measures used to maintain confidentiality of information

The service operator takes all possible measures to ensure the security and protection of user information from unauthorized attempts to access, change, disclose or destruction, as well as other types of improper use. In particular, the Service Operator is constantly improving the methods of collecting, storing and processing data, including physical measures security to prevent unauthorized access to the systems of the Service Operator. The service operator also restricts access to information for employees, contractors and agents users, providing for strict contractual obligations in the field of confidentiality, for violation of which strict penalties and penalties are provided.

The safety of using the Site and Application also depends on the user’s compliance with security recommendations:

  • Keep account information, such as login and password, secret from third parties.

  • Install anti-virus software on your device and regularly update it and update other software products used (operating system and application programs), this can protect against the penetration of malicious software.

  • It is recommended to use the Site and Application only from a trusted device in order to maintain the confidentiality of personal data. If access to the Site and Application is performed using someone else's device, it is not recommended to save personal data and other information on it, and after completing all operations you need to make sure that personal data and other information were not saved.

Compliance by the user with the recommendations of the Service Operator will ensure maximum safety of the information provided to the Service Operator. All questions and written requests Users can be directed to email